Monday, November 12, 2007

Bank update

Finally received my debit card last week and took it into the bank to activate it. Unfortunately, there is some strike or protest or something going on (not that I have seen anything about this in the newspaper) so it is going to take at least TEN business days to get me my pin number. So, I have a useless card in my wallet.
By the middle of last week, I still had not received the statement I need for my visa stuff. So, I requested another one which takes 4-5 business days. At this point, I have overstayed my passport stamp by 3 weeks.
At least they have my name and address correct now...well, except for the fact that I am moving into a new place soon....

Yay for moving in a new place though! I cannot wait to move and not wait 30 minutes or more for the bus to get home each day and to not go home to a place that smell of cigarette smoke. Yay!


momeester said...


Such a lot has happened. I can't believe how hard it is to open a bank account. It would take a Beers to deal with so much bureaucracy.

Marianne Maykut said...

Do they make everyone jump through bureaucratic hoops or just foreigners?
At least this debacle makes for good blog fodder! I know you'll laugh about this one day if you're not already.
By the way, my first comment I accidentally buried in your week two posting. oops. Love, Marianne

Johanna said...

Hi Marianne!
Great to hear from you! You can definitely live in my closet for a while to help out with all this bureaucratic stuff. It is a lot worse for foreigners than for Irish citizens. I have a few more things to sort out - my residency permission, getting broadband at my apartment, etc. so I think I should be all set just in time to fly home in early December. : )

Johanna said...

This is all definitely stressing even a Beers' ability to organize. : ) Great to hear from you!